Today I'm posting to let you guys know about a small project I'm working on that I'm rather excited about. The application is called Glass Sommelier and is a piece of Google Glassware that will allow the user to search for wine. The app can be launched by using the touch interface or by saying "Ok Glass, find wine." Once the user has completed a voice search they are then able to use the touch interface to scroll through the results. At that point the user is able to select a wine and then make use of a number of sharing methods in order to save the wine information. I haven't decided exactly which methods will be available at the start though one of them will be to email it to yourself.
For the longer term I'm working on a sort of Wine concierge which involves a bit of secret sauce. The goal of this portion of the application is to find just the right sort of wine based of off a series of questions posed by the Glass device upon your request. This particular portion of the application is probably still a month or two off, but I will definitely post when it's complete.
Once the app is functional and stable enough I'll post an APK so that my fellow Glass explorers can side load it. In the mean time here are teaser screen caps I took using it sitting at my home workstation. Enjoy!
For the longer term I'm working on a sort of Wine concierge which involves a bit of secret sauce. The goal of this portion of the application is to find just the right sort of wine based of off a series of questions posed by the Glass device upon your request. This particular portion of the application is probably still a month or two off, but I will definitely post when it's complete.
Once the app is functional and stable enough I'll post an APK so that my fellow Glass explorers can side load it. In the mean time here are teaser screen caps I took using it sitting at my home workstation. Enjoy!